Our Mission here at St. Vincent de Paul is to offer youth and young adult a place and space where they are welcomed, supported, loved, and to walk with them on the journey of life. We strive “to reveal in the Person of Christ the whole of God’s eternal design reaching fulfillment in that Person. It is to seek to understand the meaning of Christ’s actions and words and of the signs worked by him.” Catechesis aims at putting “people…in communion…with Jesus Christ: only he can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of the Holy Trinity (CCC. #426).”
The vision we hope for is where the youth of today see themselves as worthy and wonderfully created by God who wants the best for them and delights in who they are and meant to be. This is embedded and written on our hearts and creates a desire to share a love that can only be expressed by God. While each day brings its own challenges & struggles; it is okay to wrestle with them and invite God and Jesus to help make sense of it. May we and the young people never allow the challenges of life to lose hope and stop seeking and deepening the relationship with God.
"Even at the darkest moments, [in these months of pandemic] the Lord continues to send angels to console our loneliness and remind us, 'I am with you always'"—Pope Francis
“Jesus, with the Kingdom proclaims and reveals that God is not distant inaccessible being, ‘a remote power without a name,’ but a Father who is present among his creatures and whose power is love…he brings one to communion with the Father, grants divine sonship, and in conquering death promises eternal life…The proclamation of justice, where there is love and existence in solidarity, and a call to conversion and the belief in the Gospel of the Kingdom.”—GDC (General Directory for Catechesis).
It is therefore, in the revelation of Christ to ourselves that we can see who we are, and can become where we reach that fulfillment of whom we have been asked to be. Thus, becoming fully alive because of this divine relationship with God. Therefore, this revelation of what humanity can be, is why it is so important that we understand our worthiness of being created by God. Moreover, out of this worthiness we are tasked with sharing this dignity of who we are. Even though we have been given this responsibility we are not left alone in bearing its weight. Simply, having an inkling of faith is a wondrous gift of God that is deposited in the depth of our hearts.
The Core Team is an extension of the Youth Minister. We firmly believe that if you interact with a teen on a daily basis – you ARE a youth minister. Core Team is the “core” of the youth department. There would be no ministry without them.
Duties entail: