Everyone goes through difficult times. Having someone to care, to listen and to share God's love can help you get through the confusion, stress, or loneliness that you may be experiencing.
What are the needs with which Stephen Ministry can help?
Illness, family frustrations and challenges, loneliness, chronic illness, families of the chronically ill, loss of a loved one, separation or divorce, being a shut-in, having a newborn, low self-esteem, terminal illness, loss of a job, financial setbacks, struggling with faith in God, aging, facing life changes, retirement, miscarriage and infertility.
How can I refer someone to Stephen Ministry?
Identify someone who is hurting and in need of Christian care. You, a friend, a relative or a pastor contacts Stephen Ministry about this need. The Referral Coordinator will meet with this person to talk about Stephen Ministry. With their permission, the Referral Coordinator assigns a Stephen Minister to meet on a weekly basis with the care receiver. The Stephen Minister provides distinctively Christian and strictly confidential care.