All confirmation preparation classes will be in-person, Sunday from 3:00 -5:00 PM in the basement.
Confirmation for 2025 has not been scheduled.
As a community of faith we are responsible to minister to and to call forth for ministry this entire group within the community. The confirmation preparation process is both individual and communal. Responding to the diversity of confirmands includes many different learning styles, interests, starting points, experiences, abilities and limitations. The Christian life calls us to a life-long process of faith development. Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation is a moment in this lifelong process which is focused on the Rite of Confirmation and the call to involvement in the life, mission and work of the church.
Chosen equips leaders and volunteers with a powerful set of tools and resources, allowing them to concentrate on the things that matter most: helping teens fall in love with the truth, beauty and joy of Christ and His Church. Featuring multiple dynamic presenters in visually stunning, fast-paced videos, along with fully integrated written materials for students, parents, sponsors and leaders, as well as a rich offering of free, online resources, Chosen is unlike anything available in the Church today.
Confirmation (typically 10th grade) draws us more deeply into God's power and love that lives within each of us and the Church. Having first experienced the Spirit of God through Baptism, we are drawn into a deeper, more intimate relationship with God the Father through a continuing unfolding of the gifts of the Spirit which gives us strength to boldly witness Christ.
All Confirmation students are expected to be a part of the Parish Youth Group.