The season of preparation begins. We know the Lord is coming, and we know the day. How are you preparing? Perhaps a rosary to help you say YES to God as Mary did, perhaps some time before the Blessed Sacrament, asking Him to be more fully present in your life. Perhaps a random act of kindness.
A centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant. The faith of this man that Jesus does not need to go to the house, “…only say the word and my servant will be healed.” Ask Jesus to heal you of any brokenness and to help you open up to his love.
Feast Day of Saint Francis Xavier
Many heard the prophets' words; many saw Jesus's miracles – and chose not to believe. Are you open and receptive to God’s word? Are you prepared to meet the Lord this Christmas? What needs to change in your life to receive the Lord?
Jesus fed the crowd with seven loaves and a few fish. He wants to feed us with His body and blood. Jesus gave the crowd all they could eat, and there was an abundance left over. Ask, and you shall receive!
How firm is your faith foundation? How ready are you to build on the truth? “Rooted” in God we can withstand anything… if we trust and believe. Ask for more faith, seek Jesus every day.
Optional Memorial of Saint Nicholas
Are we blind like the men from today’s Gospel? Blind to the blessings we have, blind to the love God has for us? Pray that spiritual blindness be replaced with Christ’s love and peace.
Jesus sent the Twelve to cure, to cleanse, to drive out demons, and raise the dead. What deeds are you called to? How do you live out your Catholic calling? Not sure of your Catholic calling? Spend time in adoration with the Blessed Sacrament, seeking clarity of your mission and ministry!
We hear a list of who's who in the region where John the Baptist will proclaim that we must prepare the way of the Lord! He baptized to bring people to the truth and proclaimed repentance for the forgiveness of sins. We prepare by going to confession, recognizing Christ is the center of our world, and mending broken relationships.
In 1854, Pope Pius IX declared the dogma of the Immaculate Conception - the truth that Mary, through a special grace, maintained her freedom from original sin. Mary carried in her womb the Son of God - her body, not stained by original sin, was the perfect vessel for the Messiah. Her FIAT (saying YES!) also makes her the first and best disciple. We look to Mary for guidance and inspiration, we can ask her for help and assistance, and we recognize that for her sacrifices, she is crowned Queen of Heaven. Ask Mary for help; you will not be disappointed!
Jesus never forgets you are a special and wonderful creation. Jesus would never abandon us. Like a shepherd he cares for us, watches over us, protects us and loves us. When were you lost and were the one Jesus came looking for? Are you lost now and need to be found - ask one of the clergy for help in your concerns and to you back to the fold.
Walk with Jesus an he will ease the burden you are carrying. Too often we get caught up in the masses amounts of information, emails, messages, ads, work, family, job... Consider what is truly important in you life and make it your priority. Put Jesus first, and family second, then sort through the other things. Let go, let GOD!
Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego at the hill of Tepeyac from December 9-12, 1531. According to the story, the Virgin arranged the flowers in Juan Diego's tilmàtli, or cloak. When Juan Diego opened his cloak later that day before Archbishop Zumárraga, the flowers fell to the floor, revealing the Virgin's image on the fabric.
We must be witnesses to the Gospel and announce the truth about God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We tell of His love, compassion, and his desire to be in a relationship with us.Today we remember a mystic and poet who helped us understand our God and the role of Jesus Christ in salvation. In the Gospel Jesus speaks of his predecessors who proclaimed the Kingdom of God, but the people did not heed their words. We must pray for the courage and conviction to speak and live the truth.
Guadete is Latin for REJOICE. We are now 3/4 of the way through Advent - the finish line is approaching. Today, the liturgical color changes to ROSE (not pink). An easy way to remember the color of the vestments is to remember the Jesus ROSE from the dead, He did not pink from the dead. John the Baptist told us to repent; the Messiah will arrive soon. Be kind, courteous, loving, and caring toward everyone.
At this point in the season, we stand teetering between a fuller engagement of the real point and purpose of Advent or getting swept away in the often overwhelming material preparations. Gaudete Sunday invites us to pause amid the activity and breathe deeply. The material celebrations of Christmas come and go each year. But if we let the rich invitation of Advent seep into the core of our hearts, we actually find ourselves freed to prepare more intentionally and celebrate more fully with family and friends.The authorities asked by who's authority Jesus taught. Our authority is God, through through the church. We are called to live authentic lives as disciples of the Jesus teachings and words.
Today, we turn our attention from the second coming of Christ to the celebration of His birth. We begin the "O" Antiphons, sung at Vespers (prayers said in the evening from the Divine Office).
We must remember that our time on Earth is short, and eternity is L-O-N-G. Plan accordingly! Matthew's Gospel today demonstrates Jesus came from "somewhere," as the list details most of His genealogy. In the list are saints and sinners, prostitutes and murderers, poets and kings, all leading to Christ.Emmanuel means "God is with us." In the Gospel Joseph is told to take Mary as his wife to fulfill the prophesy, Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel. Do we listen to God's word? Do we hear Him speaking to us leading us on the right paths to the Kingdom>
Zechariah was rendered mute after he could not believe what the angel Gabriel told him in the temple about his son John. John the Baptist was a "radical" individual in his day, instructing people to return to God. We must turn our lives toward God—repent and believe in the Gospel!
The Virgin Mary was the first disciple. As a teenager she said YES to the archangel Gabriel when asked if she would do God a favor. He 'YES" resulted in the Savior coming into the world, to redeem mankind for the sins of Adam and Eve. Do you have enough faith to say 'YES" to God if asked?